7 best practices when playing mahjong in someone's place

The game of mahjong requires 4 persons to play.

As a mahjong player, you would from time to time be invited to another player’s home for a game of mahjong.


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While your presence is more important than any of your presents, it is nonetheless good etiquette when going over to your friend’s or relative’s home to bring along some light refreshment. Bring some light refreshments As the game typically span over a few hours, it is natural for the players to get hungry. That’s when the refreshment will come in handy. Playing with hungry players will not go down well as grouchy players are more likely spoilt the happier, friendly vibes of the game. Depending on the game's start time, it would be best to bring along the appropriate refreshment. If it is a post-lunch or post-dinner game, offering to buy lunch or dinner could be a nice gesture.

#2 Be early

Be early. It is always good practice to arrive early. For one, you would have some time for yourself to cool yourself down instead of feeling rushed and not mentally ready for the game. By arriving early, you could appreciate the surroundings, not that it directly help in playing the game well. The knowledge of the place could, however, be useful if you need to suddenly rush to the toilet in case of an emergency for instance. By arriving early, you also get a chance to bond with the other players who arrived early. This is most useful, if you have not met with each other for some time or getting acquainted with a new player. You could also be helpful by helping to setting up of the game.

#3 House Rules

Every place you play has its house rules for the game. Rarely does a place have no house rules. It is best that before the game starts, you clarify upfront with the host what are the rules. In this way, you will avoid being unnecessarily penalized or disappointed. How big do they play? Or how much do they play? Another typical house rule to ask is what’s the minimum “fan” or “double” to win the game. Another house rule to ask is what’s the maximum limit of the “fan” or “double”. Usually it is five. However for more experienced player, the“fan” or “double” may be raised higher. We would encourage all players to ask these questions even before accepting an invitation to the game.

#4 No table banging

No table banging During the game, there will be moments of frustrations and victory. Regardless of the outcome, you should never be explosive and bang the table. This might work against you if some of the players are new and has never played with you. Your action might be disturbing to them. You might not be invited back again. While you can do whatever actions you want amongst friends, with a stranger on the table who is not accustomed to your behavior, you might want to rein in the animated actions and not scare the other party.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.

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#7 Tipping

Finally, we come to the end of the game. After the final game ends and chips are sorted out, unless instructed by the host, try to help keep the tiles instead of just leaving them as they are. Tipping Some places collect ‘water money”. “Water money” is a fee some places charge for the use of facilities, utilities, and provision of refreshments during the game. If no ‘water money’ is collected and a maid had prepared and served the refreshments, it would not harm you, if you were victorious in the game, to offer her a tip. While this is not mandatory in most places, this simple gesture goes a long way in putting a smile on her face and in her heart. I am sure the next game you play there, you will receive better service. She might even be silently praying that you win again. Now, how is that not a good thing, having someone else praying that you are victorious on the mahjong table.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.